For Our Investors

We work with the best specialists in the field to ensure the best quality for our projects.

Project financing policy

The company finances its real estate projects under development with its own capital or together with private capital investors. A separate group of investors is formed for a separate project, which participates in the project or by lending funds to the company or by purchasing the company's preferred stock packages, the investment return of which is linked to a specific real estate project under development. For investors, returns are guaranteed or through loan interest or through preferred stock dividends.

The annual return on investment of real estate projects in Spain for our investors can vary from 12% to 35%, depending on the project and the form of participation in it. The biggest risk when participating in investment in the real estate development project, it is the liquidity risk, or the risk of not selling the built object as planned on time and planned price. Another significant risk is cost risk, or the risk that real estate development the cost of developing the project will be higher than planned.

Investment return and risk

Verified operational strategy - while carrying out our activities and looking for new investment opportunities to build new objects, we rely on the proven methodology of selecting new projects, which includes projects under development location selection, assessment of threats and opportunities of the local market, investment volume in the expected project and modeling of earning opportunities. Such a methodology helps to make optimal investment decisions minimizing the possible risks of project development and asset sale.

Financing opportunities - the company has opportunities to finance its projects with internal capital. Also we have an open project financing policy with investors' capital and we have completely unused to finance promising projects with bank capital. Such capabilities allow you to manage activities and projects funding risk at a safe level.

Experience and competence - the company's founders and managing partners have many years of real estate experience persons with property development expertise who have developed projects in countries such as Spain, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Iceland, United Arab Emirates, Baltic countries. In the Spanish market with real estate already we have been working since 2014.

Reliable partners - we share construction and design work with our long-standing partners who Has been working on the Spanish market for over 20 years. We also have reliable partners in law, financial management, in the fields of insurance and real estate sales, which help to accept operative and weighted solutions in developing real estate projects and selling built housing and other buildings.

Risk management levers

Contact Us

If you're interested in hearing more about the way we work, have a business proposal, or are interested in making a purchase, we'd love to hear from you.