person holding pencil near laptop computer
person holding pencil near laptop computer

About us

The company Maritime Baltic Invest S.L. was founded in 2017. The founders and partners of the company have a lot of experience persons in the field of real estate, real estate projects in countries such as Spain, United Kingdom, Denmark, Iceland, United Arab Emirates, Baltic States. The main activity of the company is this real estate investment management, financing attractive real estate projects, their development and when selling already equipped housing or buildings of other purpose. We invest mostly in residential purposes building and selling houses.

Currently, the company's activities are focused only on the Spanish market. We work directly with attracting financing, real estate investment management and real estate sales, and construction and we entrust the design work to our long-term partners.

  • Responsibility - we look responsibly at investment management and real estate development processes, the same we also demand from our partners

  • Orientation to the result - we set realistic goals in our activities and constructively and systematically pursue themimplementation

  • Experience and competence - we form our team only from competent people with experience in the required fields having partners

To become a real estate holding whose investment portfolio would be focused on promising western ones European markets

To efficiently and responsibly invest the funds raised and to create a high-quality, modern and visually attractive building


Contact Us

If you're interested in hearing more about the way we work, have a business proposal, or are interested in making a purchase, we'd love to hear from you.